
Disaster Preparedness with El Salvador
U.S. Army Warrant Officer David Miller III, a pilot assigned to 1st Battalion, 228th Aviation Regiment, Joint Task Force-Bravo, briefs personnel from the U.S. Agency for International Development and 25 participates from El Salvador’s Civil Protection, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Works, Red Cross, National Police, firefighters, and more from emergency services about the unit's unique capabilities during exercise Sentinel Watch at the El Salvador General Directorate of Civil Protection in Nejapa, El Salvador, May 21, 2024. The 1-228th AR’s UH-60L and HH-60L Black Hawks, and the CH-47F Chinooks can conduct medical evacuations, and search and rescue in austere locations using the helicopter’s 100-foot hoist, and disaster relief with the capability to transport over 19,000 pounds of humanitarian aid and equipment. (U.S. Air Force photo by Capt. Dorothy Sherwood)

Photo by: Capt. Dorothy Sherwood |  VIRIN: 240521-F-IA267-1042.JPG